Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Horseman Show Recap

Our first show of the season was a big success, minus one thing. We scored a 71% on our first attempt at a freestyle with finished music that we only ran through twice the day before the competition since I was out of town for work most of the week! We brought home the reserve high score freestyle ribbon of the show too! Once I figure out how to edit one of the transitions to make me happier, I think it will be all set for Regionals and hopefully Nationals with the $2 freestyle! I found through this that I'm pretty good at improvising to stay with the music, and decided on a couple more changes in choreography that I'd like to aim for. Video to come later :)

Here I am with the BHB's ribbons from this show

We made an attempt at riding second level tests on Sunday. The BHB was pretty tired and lazy, so it required much more kicking through than it should have, resulting in gaining the usual "needs more uphill balance" comments. It's not easy to have the necessary uphill balance for dressage when your horse has short legs to begin with, so it's even worse when they are feeling lazy! We still scored a 62% for 2-1 and 65% for 2-2, so I'm extremely happy with our first efforts. Now I know that we need to schedule the harder tests the first day of a show when the BHB has the most energy.

Now for the thing I'm not so happy about. The BHB decided during our 1-3 test that he was going to duck out of the arena at A without any advance warning. He's NEVER offered to do this before and better never ever do so again or the judge will need to close his/her eyes for 5 seconds to break a habit from forming. I heard from the show manager later that the judge was very surprised about it too and that no one saw it coming. The judge was nice enough to let us come back in the arena and score the rest of the test. We were eliminated of course, but at least the BHB did not get the break he was looking for when he ducked out. We were putting in an awesome test that would have garnered right at a 70% too!!! I think the BHB is just not getting enough mental stimulation at first level anymore after riding this test around s dozen times last year. He's ready for much more than I am! I think I'm going to let Heather show him at least once this summer. She thinks she could do 4th level with him, he's so much further advanced than I am!

We have 2 new horses in the barn that are going to join us in showing, so hopefully we'll have a summer show schedule in place soon. Right now I'm not sure which of several options we'll head to next. I'm very excited to try out our freestyle again and try to get all our 5-7 more qualifying scores for Regionals!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Show Preparation: Our Show Packing/Prep List

Our first show of the season is in one week! I'm just finishing putting the freestyle music together today so we can run through the whole thing once or twice before competing! I'm out of town for work Wednesday-Thursday, then have a networking-type event to attend mid-day Friday. Not the ideal work week leading up to a show! On the bright side, I hear the BHB has successfully mastered his first tempi changes with Heather, so maybe I will actually get to try a real lead change someday soon!

One time I trailered to a jumper show across town, unloaded my horse and was preparing to tack up only to discover that I forgot to put my tack in the trailer! Luckily, I was able to send my dad the 30 minutes back to the barn to pick it up, but how mortifying would it be to have that happen at a dressage show when you're much further from home! Also, in dressage we have custom-fitted saddles and bits carefully chosen through trial and error, so it's not as easy to find tack available to borrow as it would in the H/J world where saddles and bridles seem to be constantly thrown from horse to horse.

When I was foxhunting, I wouldn't trust myself to pack everything correctly at 5am on a weekend morning, so I would actually tack up the horse completely before throwing it on the trailer so I could just hop out and mount up. It also helped that I didn't have to saddle a dancing horse at the meets! Now, I don't saddle up before going to a dressage show, but I do make a list to make sure I have everything before leaving for the weekend.

This is the checklist I use for going to shows. It may seem like quite a bit, but most everything should already be in one place (like the trailer) or easily grouped together.

Bathe Mark
Clip Mark
Clean tack
Fuel-up truck
Put coggins, health certificate, insurance info in truck

TACK BOX (The bolded items are things that don't always live in the show box):
Body brushes
Tail brush
CANTER Mane & Tail spray
Hoof pick
Hoof oil
Braiding supplies (comb, clip, rubber bands, quickbraid)
Small cordless clippers (charged)
Bathing sponge
Sweat scraper
Sugar cubes
Tack cleaning supplies
Adult amateur calming supplement (I.C.E. mini liquor bottles)
Clean towels
Polos/boots for schooling
For championships: white polos
Fly spray
Schooling gloves

Tack box
Full hay bag for Mark to munch on
Show bridle
Extra noseband option
Extra bit option
2 white saddle pads
1 schooling saddle pad
Thinline pad
Blankets/sheets if cold weather

Folding table
Water buckets with hooks
Feed pan
Hose with sprayer attachment
Muck bucket/wheelbarrow
Twine (from hay bales)
Saddle rack
Bridle rack
Folding step stool (for braiding and mounting)

Show coat
Stock shirt (1 per day showing)
Stock tie
Boot socks (1 pair per day showing)
White breeches (1 pair per day showing)

Show helmet
Hair net
White gloves

Boot polish

Video camera
2 casual outfits (jeans, t-shirt)
Schooling shirt and breeches
Cash for concessions/shopping
Toiletries (for overnight)
PJs (for overnight)

Breakfast (if not staying at free breakfast hotel)
Electrolyte drinks (Gatorade, propel, coconut water)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday to the BHB!

The little troublemaker has grown into quite a respectable horse in the last couple years. The most difficult thing about having a very smart and stubborn horse is that they will find ways to entertain themselves if they are not provided with entertainment. This may vary from crawling under fences and taking down all the electric fence insulators to opening gates and terrorizing pasture mates. Luckily, having a job and an irrigated pasture to graze keep the BHB entertained on most days now.

The BHB's first glimpse of the world

To celebrate his birthday this week, I sent in our first show entry for the year. We'll be showing at the Good Horseman show at the GA Intl Horse Park April 26-27. We'll be debuting our currently unfinished first level freestyle and try out 2 second level tests.

Link of the day: Tips from Carl Hester (worth a read!)