Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Setting Goals Leads to Improvement!

I have always been very successful at setting and achieving goals. If you have the motivation to improve yourself, goals help to focus that motivation and create measurable results. I came up with this list after analyzing videos of my rides, figuring out what Amber repeats the most in my lessons, and from experimenting when I ride outside of lessons.

For 2014, my goals are to:

  1. Ride between movements, don’t take a break in the corners!
  2. Upper arms parallel to torso, thumbs up with firm grip on reins
  3. Don’t pull back on reins-- it doesn’t do anything useful
  4. No bending wrists, bend the elbows or squeeze fingers instead
  5. The first halt needs to improve… don't run down the centerline!
  6. Less rider movement= a better ride
  7. No more rider meltdowns in the warm-up

Here is a great illustration of the straight elbows and flat, loose-gripping hands that I need to fix!

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