In preparation to meet with the potential new trainers, I've created my plan for showing that includes the shows that are currently on my radar for each month (April's GDCTA show in Conyers through Nationals at the KHP in November), along with a clinic in July I'd like to apply to and see if I get selected to ride in. If nothing else, this plan will show my dedication to dressage and how serious of a competitor I'd like to be!
I got word from Amber that she's planning on moving most of her horses and things to Aiken this coming weekend, so this will probably be the weekend the BHB gets to move since I'm on a work trip most of next week and won't be able to move him that weekend. Hopefully his new coggins the vet pulled yesterday comes back quickly so we can have our necessary papers to get into a new barn.
This past weekend I did a full body clip on the BHB so that he would look presentable in public. He hadn't been clipped for a few months and looked more like a rogue mountain pony than a sleek sport horse, so it was a necessary step to get him taken seriously by his TBD new trainer. The blades on my Wahl Arco clippers dulled before I could finish his ears or lower legs. So his ears are still fuzzy and the hair on his lower legs was obviously hacked off by large body clippers and contains noticeable lines. I've been thinking of trying to find another pair of smaller cordless clippers since there are a couple things I'm not a huge fan about on the Wahl Arcos. Having cordless clippers is truly a necessity for me as they come in handy so often!
Post-body clipping. There is definitely not a "Pre-Clipping" photo in existence! |
As a side note, my retired OTTB Blitz celebrated his 20th birthday yesterday! He's been retired for around 5 years because of DSLD (Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis) but is still an extremely happy horse. The BHB doesn't celebrate his 7th birthday until April.