Thursday, February 6, 2014

Spotted, Splashed, and Swirled: The Bend Or Spots

In the coming 3-part series, How Much Bling Can a Horse Possibly Have?  Spotted, Splashed, and Swirled we will explore the wild markings covering the BHB. The first one will be about the eye-catching Bend Or spots covering his body.

He has so many of them! And even more appear each year! Here are a few of them:

Sometimes I wonder if he's part Appaloosa?!

That's not dirt on his neck!

At the speed these things multiply, he may be mostly black 10 years from now! I noticed some starting to appear on his head last month! Interestingly, his sire line (through Clover Hill) can be traced back 12 generations to the Thoroughbred Bend Or, the namesake of the spots. 

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