Friday, January 31, 2014

We're in the USDF Connection Yearbook!

The article I was interviewed for during Dressage Finals has been published on page 41 of the USDF Connection Yearbook sent out digitally to USDF members this morning! 

Here's a low quality screen shot as a teaser!

Of course Amber received a well-earned shout out in the article :). She's been paramount in the amazing training progress Mark's made. We also have mentions in the Region 3 Championship results and the IDHSNA All-Breed Awards. I didn't have a decent dressage picture to submit in time for the deadline for the All-Breeds Awards, so we don't have one on there this year. Although, now that I've purchased some awesome ones, we'll get one in next year!

Here's a link to view the actual publication:

When I receive the hard copy in the mail, I'll have to cut it out and add it to my bin of pictures I still need to frame. Maybe I'll be inspired to make the BHB a shadow box with photos and awards from this season. I think his favorite "award" from this past show season were the free treat bags Seminole handed out at the Region 3 Championships:
Seminole Wellness Apple and Oat Treat Bag
The BHB would like me to buy these in bulk.

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