Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bringing Home the Awards

Last night I went to the GDCTA (my local USDF GMO) Awards Gala to receive the BHB's awards from last show season. The GDCTA puts on an awesome annual awards banquet with a huge silent auction, raffles for barn baskets, and an art exhibit with pieces for sale. Of course I also have to mention the great food buffet and ever-popular drink stands too. 

I took home the 3rd place ribbon in Training Level Adult Amateur and 8th place in First Level AA. It was great to see my barn mates and Amber taking home ribbons too! Going to awards banquets really motivates me to improve my riding. More importantly, I get to reflect on how much fun I had showing in the last year!

One Giant Training Level Ribbon

I organized a barn basket this year by buying stuff and begging barn mates to give me things for it. The (not at all unique) theme was items that any Dressage Queen would love. I donated the white version of our favorite dressage pad, white polo wraps that I sewed a felt heart with crown applique on, a blingy picture frame, and the actual basket. Some other items in our basket included a facial, a bottle of wine, wine charms, and (of course) a tiara. It was quite awesome! 

Who wouldn't want to win this?!

The weather was a marvelous 60*+  for today, despite 10* temperatures and snow 5 days prior. I schooled the BHB on the flat and talked over some freestyle choreography with Amber. The BHB had a fantastic jumping day last week before the freeze, so will be doing quite a bit of jumping in the next few weeks to keep him entertained while I'm off travelling for work. His canter and body control over the jumps has reportedly improved tremendously with his dressage training. We may even enter some jumper shows this year to try earning some $$$ to pay for his dressage showing!

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