Friday, October 3, 2014

Sometimes the Magic Changes... in Tack Choices!

Last year we found an amazing bit that helped elevate the BHB's front end. This magic bit is a Myler comfort snaffle. 
The Magic Bit: Myler Comfort Snaffle
In the past few months, this bit has lost it's magic :(. It did a great job of helping teach him how to lift up his front end and carry himself, but now he has a tendency to stay above the bit and brace with it. It also does not provide much room for rider hand error without upsetting the horse. He's been preferring one of his $5 bits instead-- a single joint German silver mouthpiece eggbutt bradoon similar to the one below:

The BHB's Current Favorite: $5 Single Joint Bradoon w/ German Silver (aka Copper) Mouthpiece

The BHB likes to work in a variety of different bits and nosebands (or lack of). I found this bit hiding in the bottom of a box of mine this month and decided to toss it in our rotation... and he loves it! He's been going in this bradoon for most of the month and really doing quite well, with much reduced bracing. I felt he was leaning a little too much the other day and switched back to the Myler the next ride, and he was not happy at all about it. There was bracing, head tossing, and overall unhappiness of both horse and rider. So the bits were switched back immediately following that ride, and will likely stay that way until the end of the show season when we'll start working more in a double bridle.

Horses just sometimes change their minds about what tack they prefer. It just takes some experimenting to discover! I'm sure trying curb bits out on him this winter will be boatloads of fun.

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